Before you keep reading, full disclosure -- if you could see my kitchen, you would think to yourself, "What?? Who is this woman that feels qualified to give me advice when her kitchen looks like that?" I know, I know. To be fair, the kitchen/dishes is probably the last household chore that I want to do. That being said, I have personally incorporated each of these methods and it has helped immensely! My kitchen may not be Instagram worthy, but I have learned valuable tricks that I use daily to keep my kitchen looking clean and organized.
#1 Assign Each Child A Colored Dish Set
Let each kid choose a favorite color and buy a new set of dishes in that color. You can include a color matching cup and utensils as well. Make a pact as a family that everyone can only use their assigned color. This drastically cuts down on the dishes every day because members of the family are just automatically reaching for a new cup every time they need a drink of water. There will undoubtedly be cheating with this method , and members of the family will be tempted to use someone else's clean bowl for their cereal. To prevent this, you can warn every member of the family that if they are caught using another color besides their own, they are responsible for dishes that night!
#2 Store Away Half the Dishes
This is one of my favorite hacks for just couples living at home. Usually we keep way more plates, cups and bowls around than we need for two people. A true minimalist would keep one dish for each person. Maybe it's possible for you to adopt some minimalist living and stow away half of the dishes in your kitchen to prevent build up of dirty dishes in the sink. By storing them, you can still have a good selection when you have company, but you don't have to deal with the hassle of a million dishes on the daily.
#3 Clean Every Night
This "hack" really goes without further explanation, but I will add that I can promise your day will be more productive if you wake up to a clean kitchen and are free to tackle other tasks. Waking up to a dirty kitchen sucks the life out of me.
#4 Use Freeze-Dried Food
There is no substitute for garden fresh produce in food preparation. That being said, Thrive Life freeze dried food is a great option for healthy whole foods that are convenient to cook with. By using Thrive Life you can bypass washing, peeling and chopping produce. You can toss this freeze dried food in almost any recipe and expect great results without a lot of the mess. If you're interested in seeing what freeze dried food is about you can shop here.
#5 Be Selective About What You Keep on Your Countertops
A lot of stuff piled on top of the counter tops just looks cluttered and dirty. Even things that people typically keep on their countertops such as toasters and blenders should be stowed away. Clearing away the debris (albeit useful debris) and instead storing them in cupboards opens up the kitchen like you wouldn't believe.
#6 Junk Drawer
I know you all have one. I may even have two...(no judgements). Use it! Store all of the odds and ends items that clutter up your kitchen in a single drawer. All of the tiny items that don't have their own designated space should live in this drawer, out of sight.
#7 Turn to a More Decorative Approach
You may think you don't have style, or you're just not interested in decor. Think again. You can make it so your decor is both functional and stylish. Utilizing things such as baskets, kitchen cannisters, and spice racks is a good method to organize or hide what must be kept on your counter tops. Place keys, wallets, receipts or mail in a basket. Open up some cupboard space for large bulky appliances by instead putting sugar, flour, rice in kitchen cannisters.
#8 Leave Big Items on Display
Alternatively you may feel a different approach is more suited to you. Keep large items, such as pots, cutting boards, standing mixers on display in order to stow the smaller items away. I feel that I should include this method is even more successful if you invest in higher quality items. Instead of plastic cutting boards opt for wood. Another popular look is by hanging your cookware (particularly silver or copper as opposed to nonstick) above your stove.