You've probably heard of companies that offer meal kit deliveries like Hello Fresh, Home Chef, and Every Plate -- just to name a few. You may have even subscribed for a month just to see what the huge uproar was about. I want to briefly comment on these meal kits and suggest another company that offers a similar service that gets less attention (but is worth checking out).
When I gave birth to my daughter, my husband and I received a coupon from a friend for several free meals from one of the more popular companies. We had high hopes of minimizing our time in the kitchen so we could spend more time recovering and loving on our baby girl.
Overall, I was impressed with the meals. We both agreed that they tasted outstanding. We even saved some of the recipes to make again down the road. What we weren't expecting, however, was the preparation time that went into each meal. We discovered very quickly that these kits only spare you from grocery shopping (and perhaps meal planning, which is not insignificant). You are still required to wash, peel, chop, marinade, cook, broil, etc.
To put it simply, we were caught off guard that we saved absolutely zero time in the kitchen. If anything, we spent more time cooking because we were unfamiliar with the recipes. That being said, let's talk about freeze-dried meals!
Thrive Life offers meal kits that are more convenient than almost anything else you could make in the kitchen. To prepare, you simply pour boiling water over the contents of the bag and wait 10-15 minutes. That's it. It's literally easier than making Mac and cheese or even a sandwich.
Thrive meals compete in pricing as well. Hello Fresh's cost per serving averages $7.49. Every Plate sits at $4.99, and Home Chef pushes $9.99 per serving. Thrive Life averages $4.92 per every serving. They're on par or even better than the name brands.
Currently, Thrive Life offers nine healthy meals that are ready in minutes with virtually no preparation. These meals are perfect for a babysitter, when the grand-kids come over, or if you just can't find it within yourself to cook anything -- but are trying to resist the drive-thru.
If I can offer a recommendation as to some of my favorites they include the Southwestern Style Chicken, Creamy Mashed Potato Bowl, and the Cheesy Chicken. I hope you enjoy as much as we do!
