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How To Eat More Leafy Greens Without Chomping On Salad All Day

Updated: May 3, 2023

We know it, our moms know it, scientists know it...but it's still so hard to do! Almost every single diet or way of eating encourages more leafy green vegetables. Problem is....they're just not that glamorous. Even if you love them, it can be tricky to eat the recommended amount.

At my age, it feels more important than ever to choose foods that will improve quality of life. A diet rich in leafy greens has been shown to improve everything from Alzheimer's and heart disease, to erectile disfunction. A recent CNN health article focused on the Mediterranean diet and the brain-focused MIND diet.

I did a quick google search which revealed that the Mediterranean diet almost universally comes out on top of the healthiest diet lists. And lo and behold, leafy green veggies are the first things recommended!

Studies have shown that individuals with the highest leafy green vegetable intake demonstrated the least Alzheimer's pathology markers in post-mortem brain examinations. And that's only ONE benefit. What's good for the brain is good for the heart, and vice versa.

The more I search, the more the evidence is clear.... we need to eat more of the good stuff! So, what's to be done for those of us who are less enthused about slogging through yet another boring bowl of salad? I'm about to share a wonderful discovery!

Convenience Is Key

My husband and I like to try to follow Dr. Greger's Daily Dozen recommendations for healthy eating. It calls for at least two servings of greens a day. We were struggling with this one until we stumbled on an easy way to sneak greens into everything.

The answer was Thrive freeze dried kale and spinach! We started sprinkling them on everything. And I do mean everything: tostadas, salads, bowls, soups, smoothies, spaghetti, oatmeal, burritos, baked potatoes, casseroles, sandwiches, and more!

We started keeping a pantry can of kale or spinach right by the salt and pepper shakers, both to remind us to use it, and give easy access.

What about taste? I'm delighted to report it's not noticeable. I understand that some people love their greens and, if so, go ahead and shake on more! But I like to sprinkle about 1 serving (1/4 cup freeze dried) on each dish and that makes it bearable for me. That means two sprinklings gets me to my goal each day.

Can we also talk about the fact that we don't have to wash, chop, cook, or refrigerate this kale and spinach? And it's portable! It can go where I go! My husband sometimes takes a baggie of it to work with the rest of his lunch so he can sprinkle it on fresh.


Freeze drying preserves not just the original nutrients of fruits and vegetables, but also the phytochemicals, antioxidants, and other plant compounds. It beats "fresh" grocery store produce because it is picked at the perfect ripeness and doesn't have to sit on store shelves losing nutrition (and taste).

Because of that, Thrive spinach has 6 times more vitamin A than grocery store "fresh" and the kale, spinach, and other vegetables will have the same brain and heart healthy nutrients in five or ten years that it has today. Always at my fingertips.

Because freeze drying is such an efficient preservation process, no preservatives or additives of any kind are needed to give it a shelf life. One of the things that first caught my attention was the squeaky clean label. There is nothing added - no salt, no sugar, no chemicals. Just kale. Just spinach.

No Waste

Here's my favorite part. I never have to throw spoiling greens away! Unlike the bags or bunches of spinach and kale I used to get, I use every single leaf of Thrive greens I buy. None of the food I spend good money on will go into the trash as a slimy gooey mess.

As a bonus, a can of Thrive spinach or kale has a 25 year shelf life unopened, so I can stock up when I want to and always have it on hand. Once it is opened, it has another year of shelf life. And it's shelf stable, both opened and unopened, never needing refrigeration.

Leafy Greens = The Fountain of Youth

Whether young or old, making an effort to boost servings of leafy green vegetables will have a lasting impact on our health.

I can attest that when my husband and I started concentrating on getting enough fruits and vegetables in our diet, many things changed. Long-term health problems evaporated and our lifestyle improved drastically. This is a goal worth pursuing, and Thrive foods make it easier to pursue!


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