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Six Health Problems That Vanished When I Started Eating Fruits and Vegetables

Updated: Feb 12

It doesn't matter which diet or way of eating you follow, almost all nutrition experts agree on one thing across the board: Fruits and vegetables are vital for good health. I've always known that, but I didn't realize how important they actually were. I thought a serving or two a day would be sufficient. I learned the hard way that I needed to step up my fruit and veggie game.

vegetables in grocery store

The Wake Up Call

I still remember the morning I stumbled out of our bathroom and struggled to tell my husband that I needed to go to the hospital emergency room. I couldn't get the words to come out of my mouth. When I finally did speak, my words were slurred. My left arm wouldn't move and I didn't have feeling in my arm or face. The symptoms only lasted a couple of minutes, but I was absolutely terrified. Why? Because my mother had died suddenly from a stroke at age 54.

It was never fully determined what had occurred that morning, but I visited a doctor soon afterwards to find out what I could do to avoid future scares or complications. She ran blood tests to determine overall health and the results were surprisingly poor. One of the main problems was high inflammatory markers, high blood pressure and some nutrient deficiencies, among other things.

I was not yet fifty when all this occurred, and I had been under the impression that I was reasonably healthy.

As I started paying attention though, I realized I did have some other indicators as well that something was wrong. I was carrying a few extra pounds and had frequent joint pain and stiffness. I believed that these were just inevitable consequences of getting old. I suffered from migraine headaches with aura, which further added to my fear of having a stroke... and were just plain miserable.

I also knew that I felt exhausted all the time, and seemed to be slogging around in a constant state of brain-fog... with no idea how to fix it. Some of the things I had tried in my younger years didn't seem to be working anymore -- like exercise and calorie restriction. Even extra sleep didn't seem to help. I was bummed.

The Most Important Change

Someday I'll tell the story of how I learned the secrets to fix my body. But for now, I'll just say that one of the very most important things was to begin eating 10 servings of fruits and veggies a day. Sound like a lot? I thought so too. But with the help of Thrive foods and Ruvi, I was able to implement that change pretty smoothly.

Of course, that step was followed by more changes in diet and lifestyle, and those will have to be covered in another post. But after five years of a brand new life, I am still adamant that the fruit and vegetable one was the most important.

If you're not already aware, fruits and vegetables have countless phytochemicals that haven't even been discovered yet! They have the perfect balance of fiber and nutrients and antioxidants and compounds that are not able to be duplicated in any lab. They are powerhouse superfoods that are absolutely transformative to your health.

After studying health and wellness for years now, the evidence is conclusive that fruits and vegetables are absolutely magic in not only preventing but reversing heart disease, cancers, and other illnesses.

"Our bodies are miraculous. As soon as we quit poisoning them and give them the proper fuel, they will surpass ALL expectations!" ~ Jenny Tanner

I had spent most of my life severely deficient in that part of my diet. Even though I had been raised on whole grains and whole foods (like farm fresh, home-grown animal products), I had steadfastly avoided eating many fruits and most vegetables. I simply did not like them. Little did I know how that was affecting my long-term health.

The List

After I had taken steps to address my way of eating and health habits, my blood work improved vastly. The inflammatory markers went WAY down. Nutrients and minerals were balanced. Blood pressure was awesome.

Here are the obvious problems that disappeared when I started eating more fruits and veggies:

1. Migraine headaches with aura

Oh this was a happy one that I didn't even expect! The headaches stopped. Period. I used to have them once or twice a month. Once I started eating this way, they went away... for good. I have had only two in the last five years. I also have fewer headaches overall. For full disclosure, I do still get a fairly ferocious hormone-related headache tied to my cycle every month. It's annoying, but so much better than before.

2. Joint pain

Don't let anyone tell you that joint pain is inevitable! Not in your fifties, anyway. I thought that it was and I was pretty discouraged to think that I still had practically half of my life left, and I would be in constant pain and discomfort -- in my knees, hips, neck and back -- for the rest of my life. Climbing the stairs was demoralizing. I had to "warm up" when getting up from a chair or car and walking away from it.

I seriously wouldn't have believed it if someone had told me that eating better would fix that, but I'm telling you now, it is true!! No joint pain whatsoever. Not only are daily movements comfortable, normal and easy, but I've gotten back to aggressively hiking, biking, and enjoying life fully. I've even taken up backpacking, and not only do I love it, but I take a fair amount of pride in keeping up with (and sometimes surpassing) the youngsters!

Woman backpacking
Backpacking in the High Uintas

3. Energy problems

Who knew?! This was another bonus benefit. I stopped longing for those naps every afternoon. I quickly figured out that I needed less sleep at night than I had previously. It was like getting extra hours in my day! I no longer felt the craving for sweets or caffeine to pick me up midday just so I could function. That, of course, has helped me mentally too -- because I feel more equipped to face the challenges that life throws at me. I have more strength and stamina.

4. Arthritis in my fingers

I had started feeling stiffness and pain in my fingers, especially my pinky fingers, and after some time realized what it actually was. I was aghast. Arthritis at my age?? I panicked just a little. I knew my fingers still had a lot of work left to do. Was this inevitable too?

Apparently not! After my diet changes, it simply vanished! Just. Like. That. Very rarely, some mild stiffness will surface and I immediately eat some Thrive sweet cherries (good for joints). Works like a charm! I feel so in-control!

5. Excess Weight

When I first started getting all these extra servings of fruits and veggies, I wasn't doing much else to specifically promote weight loss. I was drinking more water, and walking at least 20 minutes a day. I was avoiding processed foods as well - at least moderately. But as soon as I started eating the good stuff, I saw weight loss. It wasn't fast, but it was steady and effortless. 23 pounds over the course of a year. Without trying. And five years later, it has never come back.

This is SO much better than battling to lose every ounce -- and worrying about how to keep it off. Our bodies want to regulate. But we've got to stop sabotaging them and putting obstacles in their way.

6. Brain Fog

I'm a pretty busy gal. Most of us these days are. I have a large family of kids and grandkids (who are the center of my world). I also have a job, heavy church and volunteer responsibilities, and I'm finishing a college degree. This whole brain fog thing was becoming a real problem.

Not only could I not remember things, but I also couldn't get myself to think clearly. Problems and challenges seemed insurmountable because I felt like I was swimming for my life cognitively. I had started putting off even the simplest decisions and tasks because I couldn't get my brain to work! Water, sleep, exercise -- none of it was having a lasting effect.

You guessed it. Fruits and veggies fixed that too. Wow. It's the best. I feel like I'm a completely different person. Capable and confident. I can do hard things - intellectually and creatively. I've lost that fear of "one more thing" that will push me over the edge. I can think again, which makes me also feel like dreaming again -- and making those dreams come true.


All those good things from fruits and vegetables. Can you see why I want to shout it from the rooftops? Our SAD diet is not only killing us physically, but it's keeping us from being our best selves in every other way as well.

Don't let anyone trick you into thinking that the solution has to be difficult, expensive or complicated. You don't need supplements or procedures or expert advice. Just start eating the good things God gave us. Watch what happens to your brain and body. It will absolutely astound you!

Share your transformation stories with us in the comments. Help us spread the good word!



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