From Netflix and makeup to meals and online books, subscription services have been around for awhile. They typically offer mutual benefits to both customer and company, which is why they are such a popular option.
For better or for worse, most of us are familiar with them. You, like me, probably have had both good and bad experiences. Here are the facts about the Thrive monthly delivery service, and why the advantages are so great.
Are Subscription Services a Good Thing?
I personally enjoy subscription services for my favorite morning drink (Crio Bru), Audible books, my Ruvi fruit and vegetable drink, a couple of streaming services, amazon privileges, and, of course, Thrive foods.
Why do I use subscriptions for those things? Those items and products consistently add to the quality of my life, and I like the "fix it and forget it" model of having them automatically sent to me without thought or planning on my part.
They are still customizable if I want them to be, and also easy to manage. I typically enjoy discounts and occasional perks from being a "member" of these services.
On the other hand, I have had the frustrating and cuss-word inducing experience of trying to cancel certain subscriptions that I have entered on a trial basis, or to claim an introductory offer.
For example, just last week on vacation with extended family, I subscribed to a streaming service (I won't mention the name) on a trial basis so family members could watch a couple of college football games that we couldn't find on the resort TV. The service didn't give us the coverage we had anticipated, so I tried to find the place I could unsubscribe.

Turns out, even though I had subscribed on my phone, I was required to use a computer to unsubscribe. This seemed clearly designed to make it more difficult to cancel. I also had to google how to do it since I couldn't figure it out on my own. I was definitely annoyed.
One of the primary factors holding consumers back from subscription services is the fear that it will be difficult to cancel. More than two thirds of our survey participants list this as their top concern. -Jabil
Thankfully, many companies, including Thrive Life, have deliberately made it extremely easy to unsubscribe and manage a subscription. It's a wise move on their part, because it makes customers so much happier!
Meanwhile, another top concern customers report is that they believe subscription services are a more expensive option. This is not generally true, but it is a perception among many.
Actually, for the most part, subscription services really ARE better... for both producer and consumer alike. That is done by design.
Companies enjoy the reliability of recurring revenue, which is good for both the bottom line and investor confidence. It also helps to secure more loyal customers. Because of that, companies try to make subscription services worth it for the customer.
Consumers can expect to receive better prices, perks, and promotions through a subscription service as a reward for their loyalty and commitment.
Thrive Life understands this model well, and rewards customers very generously for using their monthly delivery service.
Thrive Life Monthly Delivery Service
To start with, here's a quick description of how Thrive's Monthly Delivery Service works:
Go to the link and browse the products
Choose the products you want
Add the items to your cart
Go to checkout and choose "Monthly Delivery Service"
Follow the prompts to enter your shipping and payment information
Wait a couple of days for your food to arrive
When you follow that process you will have created a delivery service account. You'll notice right away that the prices drop significantly (from retail to wholesale). You'll also notice free shipping if you've purchased at least $99 worth.
Here is a short list of some of the advantages of the service:
Monthly auto-ship
Wholesale pricing
Free shipping (on orders over $99)
Monthly specials – only available through the service (up to 30%+ off)
You choose what's in your shipment
Spend as little or as much as you want each month
Pause, skip, or cancel anytime: EXTREMELY easy to do
Email reminders before each shipment
That's the list, but here are the more personal reasons I LOVE this service:
I don't have to spend "extra" money
I buy Thrive food for two reasons: emergency preparedness and healthier eating. Because of the monthly delivery service, I've been able to accumulate a surprisingly comprehensive store of food even with everyday use.
From the earliest days of using the service, I just reallocated part of my existing grocery budget for the purchase of Thrive food, and then started using it in my everyday cooking.

It worked.
Even with regular use, it started to accumulate nicely, which meant that not only did I not have to come up with any extra money to get Thrive, it actually stretched my food dollar!
No waste
The reason that Thrive foods save me money is because I'm buying only the usable portion of the food (all the peelings and cores, etc. have already been removed), and there isn't any spoilage.
Thrive foods have a 25 year shelf life before opening, but even AFTER opening they last a really really long time on my pantry shelf (at least a year).

Simply put, a can of Thrive food goes a long long way. For example, a family sized can of Thrive freeze dried spinach contains the equivalent of 12 bags of fresh spinach. No longer do I throw away food I have paid good money for!
Convenience and automation
That store of food has come to my aid over and over and helps me with food security and health. Even so, I know I would have never built up the supply I have if it hadn't been for the automatic nature of the monthly delivery.
In terms of planning and efficiency, I'm no role model. My world is full of responsibilities and distractions and I simply have a hard time being organized. But because of Thrive's monthly subscription, I have what I need when I need it.
Even more importantly, I have a surplus of food that has seen us through pandemic, some tight financial times, and even bad weather spells when it was dangerous to get to a grocery store.
The best part though, is that it really IS simple to pause shipments for awhile, or skip a month, or turn off the service indefinitely. If I had ever felt like I was getting too much food (I never have), I could stop for awhile with no repercussions whatsoever.
Oh, and I should also mention that Thrive sends a reminder email several days before a shipment processes, so you have plenty of time to edit your shipment.
Huge savings
I mentioned before that Thrive makes the monthly delivery service very enticing. Probably the biggest perk is simply the money people save shopping through the service.
This month alone, my shipment was $176.49. If I hadn't used the delivery service, that same shipment would have cost me $246.92 once shipping was included. Simply put, I saved over $70, just because I got wholesale pricing, chose many items on special this month (available only through the service), and qualified for free shipping.
It's even possible to shop for just one order through the delivery service, and then cancel. There's NEVER a need to pay retail and shipping.
Using the Thrive Monthly Delivery Service will not only save you hundreds (even thousands) of dollars over a relatively short period of time, but you'll also look back and realize you've reached your preparedness and health goals without giving it a second thought.
I call that a success in every sense of the word.