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Thrive Life Has Me Climbing Mountains.....Literally.

I have mentioned before that Thrive Life has done much to fulfill my family's financial needs. Within 9 months of signing up, my Thrive paycheck was paying the mortgage on a newly-built home, as well as helping two of our children with missions abroad. It continued to grow after that, to my astonishment, even though I am very introverted and not a salesman. I've always been thankful for the income, but had no idea how much more I would benefit.

There are some things even more valuable than income that have happened in my life because of Thrive food and the consultant opportunity. This video explains:


My health has COMPLETELY turned around. I am 53 years old and no longer suffer from arthritis, migraine headaches with aura, joint pain, brain fog, excess weight, lack of energy, or shortness of breath. I turned to a diet focused on fruits and vegetables and whole foods, and the convenience and total nutrition of Thrive made that infinitely easier to do.

My body used to be filled with inflammation. I had a few health scares -- even ending up in the emergency room one morning with a stroke-like episode. I used to limp up the stairs like an old woman and had to "get the creaks out" every time I got out of a car or chair and started to walk. I was discouraged and frightened for the future. All of that disappeared when I turned to the Thrive-fueled magic of fruits and vegetables and clean whole food.

I feel now as if I've been growing younger -- relishing many of the favorite activities I used to enjoy: hiking, running, walking, biking, working in my yard. Life has been sweeter than ever.


Since becoming a consultant, I have traveled the world and seen things I didn't know existed. I had only been on a plane twice in my life before I joined Thrive Life, and only once had I been more than one state away. I longed to see new places, but thought it would always be out of reach. Now I have been to countries and cities around the world.

The way the walls of my world have expanded is a delight to me. More trips with our children are being planned as I write this. I will never take this privilege for granted!

Family memories

My family has enjoyed memorable adventures and travels together. I have 26 children, in-law children, and grandchildren, with more on the horizon. It is an expensive endeavor to make memories with them -- whether feeding and entertaining them at my home or taking them on trips and vacations. But it has been MY MOST FAVORITE THING EVER! We have had so much fun together! It is possible because of Thrive Life.

We have enjoyed family reunions at fun locations, family trips, hiking and backpacking adventures, and more. I love the occasional chance to take kids or grandkids out to dinner, or to travel to help with a newborn baby. Extended family get-togethers are more attainable as well. I guess you could say that Thrive is responsible for bringing families together. :)

Personal development

I was one of those people who barely knew how to turn on a computer. I was shy, uncertain, and very provincial. Becoming a consultant taught me people and technology skills, confidence, time management, leadership, and more about who I really am. I learned appreciation for what really matters, and how much relationships matter in my life.

So what?

At the end of the day, I like the simple things in life. Aside from our travel and family adventures, I prefer things quiet and serene. I relish my garden, good health, the outdoors, minimalism, family, and true friendships.

My life doesn't revolve around Thrive Life. Rather, Thrive Life enhances and supports the things I love most. It has been the gift I never knew I needed.


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